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Fixed [13000] Too much coins for NH, caused by MH upgrade

  • Thread starter DeletedUser1777
  • Start date


Game version: v1.23.4-(785f9e5) (2017-02-09 10:50)
Game world: beta
Browser + version: chrome Version 55.0.2883.87
Flash Player version:
Operating System: win7
Screen resolution: irrelevant
Account name: Flabbes
Humans or Elves: Human

Reproducibility: 5/5
(1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: none

Current situation:
Did NH and got the usual reward for visiting (13200), then started upgrade of MH to Lvl 16 and the next visited neighbour(s) gave 15000

Expected situation:
increase of the NH reward after finishing the upgrade of MH and not right after starting the upgrade

Reproduction Steps
have MH at lvl 15
2. visit neighbour and notice reward
3. start MH upgrade to lvl 16
4. visit neighbour and notice increased reward

Screenshots of the bug:
just have a screenshot after the upgrade was started

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Upgrading MH from lvl 21 to lvl 22 causes the same. Conclusion: starting upgrading MH causes instant increase in NH reward.

Tomorrow i will check if we had something like this before, if not this will be confirmed.


This is not a bug. This is intended feature of a game. We had report about it long time ago, and you can see all about it here.

I have to admit that I wasn't sure about if this is a bug or not :D. Now I've learned.


Thank you for the link.
I'm quite sure it didn't work that way before and I just upgraded my MH in live and there the reward didn't increase right away :rolleyes:

I'll ask in my FS in live to have an eye on it, maybe I'm wrong about live.


One Fellow in live just checked it for me, you don't get there a higher NH reward while the upgrade of MH is not finished.

Would you please crosscheck with devs, if the behavior in beta is really intended?


Well-Known Member
One Fellow in live just checked it for me, you don't get there a higher NH reward while the upgrade of MH is not finished.

Would you please crosscheck with devs, if the behavior in beta is really intended?

We have checked and indeed, the intended behaviour changed a pretty long time ago already, making this a bug. We will now forward it as such :)