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Discussion The Mystery of the Misty Forest


Well-Known Member
Overall this event was absolutely dreadful with poorly thought out quests...basically back to back produce goods and requirement of vision vapour. For players in the end stages of this game, the constant request to do x number of provinces is extremely problematic when you dont have any left. Waiting for the tournament means there are days when you cant do anything. Im sorry, but apart from being able to be positive about the outstanding graphics, as always, the rest of my thoughts are negative. I dread having to go through it all over again when it hits live worlds.


Active Member
Did anyone see what the last daily prize is? There should be a 22nd daily prize after the Mausoleum Wedding which only lasted 9 hours before the event ended.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
For players in the end stages of this game, the constant request to do x number of provinces is extremely problematic when you dont have any left.
There goes one reason to scout pernamently.
With pernament scouting and doing part of the relic/encounters by tournaments, one can create buffer big enough for events despite the 90hrs+ scouts. That of course doesn't mean that the amount of get relics/solve encounters is ok.


Does anyone notice that during the event the witch's Hut produce 3KP at level 8 or higher. After the event you can only produce 3KP at level 10. Is that normal ?


Well-Known Member
The candle release is terrible. Having not played until today - i have to say that it feels like we are being tricked into using more candles then necessary. Even when i use extreme caution, move slow, click the candle back to rid my mouse of it, the candle will occasionally still appear in my hand, requiring additional clicks to detach it from my grip. This is a very poor animation, glitch or purposely designed to cost us more candles.
They changed it to do this after they added the glow lights to help people figure out how to use the tools. As I didn't have any problem figuring out the game, I found the glow lights distracting, but I couldn't agree with you more, I do not like how the item you were using remains active. Before you did have to click to inactivate it, or if you click a game prize, it was automatically deselected, and I vastly preferred this and I agree that it makes it very easy to waste your tools. I do like it to stay selected if I do nothing, so if I just used the candle, I can just use it again. But I think collecting a cat, or kp, or any prize should deselect it.


Mine is level 9 and I should have put more effort or spend a little more to make my Witch's Hut level 10 if they released the change before the event ended.


Well-Known Member
The daily prices were not really impressive. A few useful prices here for my chapter 5 city, a few useful ones for my live chapter 8 city and nothing useful for my chapter 16 city. Overall I won all daily prices I wanted and in the end quite a few I don't need at all.

I really liked the new minigame and had no problem to get my witch hut to level 10 although I didn't finish the last few quests.


Active Member
The only decent daily prizes are Dr. Freakenspleen and Headless Halloween. They have roughly the same pop/tile but Headless Halloween give more culture.

The rest are all trash, worse than Lava Codex (for culture), Orc Nest (for orcs), and Festival Merchant (for seeds).

Deleted User - 88256

The only decent daily prizes are Dr. Freakenspleen and Headless Halloween. They have roughly the same pop/tile but Headless Halloween give more culture.

The rest are all trash, worse than Lava Codex (for culture), Orc Nest (for orcs), and Festival Merchant (for seeds).
And even these pop/culture hybrids are worse than Rainbow Flower Cage... the new hierarchy is crafting buildings > event buildings > regular buildings

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
Isn't the wedding mausoleum better than an orc nest for making orcs considering it gives a little bit of pop?

Looking at chapter 17 numbers on elven architect, the wedding only gives 4.2 orcs per tile per hour. The orc nest is 5.63 and a level 39 armory is 5.60. It is a small enough difference that someone wanting the pop would not be hurt by it. But someone not caring about the pop would probably never put it out.

little bee

Well-Known Member
The rest are all trash, worse than Lava Codex (for culture), Orc Nest (for orcs), and Festival Merchant (for seeds).
Personally, I like the new balance. If event buildings are too good compared to regular buildings then the balance of new chapters will be based solely on event buildings. But then players, who want their culture buildings to fit thematically into their current chapter, will have a problem. And this is a reasonable goal in my opinion. So if anything, I think that the craftable buildings should be nerved.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
@little bee Are you serious or are you just trolling us?
We need to increase rewards to get to more reasonable levels, not another nerf(s) (or we can continue getting one nerf after another until everyone quits).
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little bee

Well-Known Member
@little bee Are you serious or are you just trolling us?
I am perfectly serious. When I decide, if an event building is usefull or not, I always compare it to regular buildings first. I want the event buildings to be somewhat better, but not by too much. Essentially, I belive that building only regular buildings should be a valid option. Not the most efficient, but a reasonable possibility. That means the game needs to based on the numbers from regular buildings, not from event buildings. If we demand that event buildings keep getting better and better, then this will no longer be possible. Therefore I am happy with the "nervs".


Well-Known Member
Well I´ve heard complaints, that the witch hut is too good, and undermines certain wonders. I guess, that there´s no way to please ppl.......


Well-Known Member
Looking at chapter 17 numbers on elven architect, the wedding only gives 4.2 orcs per tile per hour. The orc nest is 5.63 and a level 39 armory is 5.60.
Armories aren't even close to 5.6 when you factor in Pop/culture/supplies/roads. So that leaves orc nests which are limited and as said, don't give pop.
But someone not caring about the pop would probably never put it out.
I'm not really sure what this means. Pop is a necessity in every city.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
Armories aren't even close to 5.6 when you factor in Pop/culture/supplies/roads. So that leaves orc nests which are limited and as said, don't give pop.

I'm not really sure what this means. Pop is a necessity in every city.

I had over 100k spare pop until I put my sentient factories back out to start stocking up for chapter 17, Even after that, I still had well over 25k to spare, until I put out a couple of leveled marble factories for the event.