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Duplicate Superior Workshops will not complete

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General Description (Overview):Quest "Superior Workshops" says to upgrade 2 workshops minimum level 5. It registered the first one I upgraded ( from level 8 to 9) , but did not recognize the next two I upgraded, also from 8 to 9.

What I expected to happen: I expected it to complete, and allow me to collect and move on.

What actually happened: It just sits there saying I did 1 of 2, but I actually did 3.

How often has this happened: Quest failed to acknowledge 2 in a row.

Player Name: MaelchiDarbren

World: Elvenar Beta

Operating System: Windows 8.1

Browser and Version: Chrome latest version.

Flash Version: dunno

Screen Resolution: 1920 x 1080


Thank you for reporting this to us, MaelchiDarbren. Please use this thread for reporting non-working quests of this type, and as mentioned in that thread, please submit a support ticket so we can investigate the issue more closely as it may vary from quest to quest. Thanks again!
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