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Duplicate Storage Area for City Redesign


I know I suggested this a year ago but it would be really beneficial if we could have a storage area for buildings to enable us to maximize our cities and fit everything in properly.

As it is we can only move stuff around if we have deleted a large chunk of our cities and it takes hours.

I am sure I am not the only one who struggles with this or finds an old piece of basic road every so often.

Please please please consider this idea as it would save both my sanity and my eyesight :D


Well-Known Member
Since you suggested it a year ago it has been suggested many times, and we have INNO's answer: No. The Developers feel that having limited space to re arrange your city is part of the game, and will not remove or make easier the puzzle aspect of designing your city. Those players that are a little more cynical will mention that it may also promote buying expansions too =)


Thats ridiculous! So many people want it an they still dont listen? I thought the idea of a Beta was to iron out any niggles with the game and this is a huge niggle :mad: