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Contact(ed) support Spire team bar not updating properly

Burger Meister Meister

Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.173.3-(478e7ea) - html5 (2023-04-19 10:26)
Game world: CERAVYN
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Chrome
Operating System or Mobile Device: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 2560x1440
Account name: Burger Meister Meister
Humans or Elves: Elves

2/5 (2/5 = happens randomly)

Quest title:

Current situation:
__Personal progress bar shows almost complete (See circled in first screenshot)
__Team progress bar is a long ways off from complete (see first screenshot)
__Refresh browser and display fixes itself (see second screeshot)
__I have seen this happen 3 times randomly over the past several weeks

Expected situation:
__Team Progress bar in the first screeshot should match the progress bar in the second screenshot without needing to refresh browser.

Reproduction Steps
1.Open Spire
2.Open Progress Side Bar
3.Total rewards points is shown as 688 / 690
4.Team progress bar is incorrectly displayed
5.Refresh browser
6.Team progress bar displays correctly


  • spirebar before refresh.png
    spirebar before refresh.png
    1.8 MB · Views: 72
  • spirebar after refresh.png
    spirebar after refresh.png
    1.7 MB · Views: 71


Well-Known Member
That's on what your previous bug report thread ended, not sure why it was closed.
If reload helps, probably it just not growing up while you are online and only refreshed on reload (can't check it now, as we are already on top).

Burger Meister Meister

Well-Known Member
That's on what your previous bug report thread ended, not sure why it was closed.
If reload helps, probably it just not growing up while you are online and only refreshed on reload (can't check it now, as we are already on top).
Kinda, sort-of. I was on the City page and then opened the Spire. Opening the Spire should refresh everything in the Spire. In this case the progress bar was stale. I had to hit the browser refresh button to get the spire bar to correct itself.
Actually, I would say stale. On previous occasions of viewing the Progress bar it was closer to the top. For some reason this time it popped down to the middle between the two goals.

Deadeye Jerry

Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Hello, the mini bar shows the progress until the next available chest and when the player is above FS, then FS progress becomes the limiter and is shown there.


Well-Known Member
got another bug, now with small bar which should be half filled at that stage, reload doesn't help: