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New Game Features Special quests for players at end of Tech...


Make a visual map of Elvenar, not as it shown on the in-game world map but as a real visual and 'magical' map of the Elvenar World that can only be discovered by doing special quests for those who are at the end of their Tech Tree:

• Those who are at the end of tech can click the stairs in the background of their city, thereby getting an extra quest* to solve and each quest solved would give them a jigsaw piece to the map of Elvenar;
• Those players would need to climb the stairs - each step on the stairs being 1 new quest - and once they reach the bridge they have solved the map;
• The bridge then could lead them into another dimension or another part of the map... or something like magical towers to conquer;
• The main reward for reaching the bridge could be anything, e.g. earn some diamonds, or any other game benefit.

* These quests should not be the ordinary quests, but some kind of riddles to solve, maybe players could encounter a dwarve blocking their way till they solve the riddle given by the dwarve, or they will encounter a dragon that needs to be defeated...

• Players who have reached the end of their Tech and are 'bored' will have new game feature to enjoy;
• This feature might make the game more challenging and give it more magic ;-)

I realize this is an ambitious suggestion...but who knows, maybe the devs can do something with this concept ;-)
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