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Fixed singular-plural in quests


currently, I have 2 quests.

produce 1 firework (and some supplies)

produce 1 mage journal (and some coins).

now, I can only produce fireworks and mage journals. both plural, the quest requires them in singular.

(I do know that the quests (plural because they are 2) will work just fine, it's just a bit awkward, requesting one piece, whereas it's only possible to produce them in plural.


You're actually making supplies (plural) but the packaged SIZES, like toothpaste, are Travel, Giant, Family, and Economy.

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Hi Juni, that's a good point you have there :)

Although it looks strange in English, 'Produce 1 Fireworks' and 'Produce 1 Mage Journals' would be the more correct way to put it.

Forwarded for consideration :)


thank you.

there may be more similar errors for the other resources. I think, for the planks production, it's one chair, which works just fine, for the other resources, I don't know...