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Duplicate Return Home Button

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Game version: __ v0.35.13-(d329f9a) (2016-02-11 11:59)
Game world: __ beta
Browser + version: __ firefox 44.0.2 and chrome 48.0.2564.109 m
Flash Player version: __
Operating System: __ Win 7 64 bit
Screen resolution: __ 1366x768 and 2x 1920x1080 (tested on 2 pcs)
Account name: __ juni
Humans or Elves: __ elve

Reproducibility: __/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __ (if applicable) no quest

Current situation: click at any other name, and you get the option to send a message or visit the city. click on your own name gives the options "return home" and "leave fellowship". a click on return home does nothing

Expected situation:
__the expected action at "return home" is return home (if you are not seeing your own city), much like the return home button on the bottom icon bar (with return home and go to world view)

Reproduction Steps
__ visit someone elses city (for example visit someone in your fellowship)
2. __ open the fellowship-menu and search the memberlist for your own name
3. __ when found, click on it.
4. __ click on return home
5. __ nothing happens.

5.a: does the leave fellowship-button do what it is expected to do? don't want to try it.
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I can confirm this. Happens to me as well. Though, I don't have an option to leave the fellowship but view it and that works just fine. But You cannot return to your own city.


Thanks for confirmations. :)

By the way, it's completely irrelevant which menu it is. it happens in the highscore aswell as in ancient wonders (the list of the supporters/donators).
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