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Research Bottleneck


At what point do you start getting repeating quests, and what do they look like?
Thanks for your help.


In my area...Everyone is looking for SILK. None to be had trading with other players. The wholesaler is an expensive option. So I was forced to build SILK. My quests are totally stalled and I cannot build anymore upgrades and all I am doing is building inventory at this present time. Research is at a bottle neck again. I like to fight but it is getting very expensive and consumes vast numbers of troops to get any Research points. Thus research progress is crawling along VERY very very SLOWLY.


At what point do you start getting repeating quests, and what do they look like?
Thanks for your help.
I cannot tell you for sure because I think they can start at different points (depending on your quest choices or how fast you're progressing with quests). But for me I really started benefiting a lot from them during my level 3 (the 'purple era' on the tech tree). In a single collection time (collecting my coin, supplies, and goods) I get at least +250K coin and +25K supplies from those quests (with my culture level giving me the minimum 100% productivity, if I have more culture I'd get even more coin and supplies from the collections and with that I'd be able to complete the quests extra times). I use the 3 hour productions so I get those resources quite a few times a day. In addition to that, I get even more supplies when I do my round of helping all neighbors as the coin I get by doing that helps me complete one of those quests several times.
In my area...Everyone is looking for SILK. None to be had trading with other players. The wholesaler is an expensive option. So I was forced to build SILK. My quests are totally stalled and I cannot build anymore upgrades and all I am doing is building inventory at this present time. Research is at a bottle neck again. I like to fight but it is getting very expensive and consumes vast numbers of troops to get any Research points. Thus research progress is crawling along VERY very very SLOWLY.
I agree that the wholesaler is expensive. But it's more expensive to build and produce non-boosted goods yourself (it's more expensieve on coin/supplies, on time, and on goods as you'll be using quite a bit of goods on upgrading those buildings). I am in the same boat, except we have no silk AND gems. Yet I still manage quite fine with the wholesaler.


Nope, not at all, I totally disagree with you. The wholesaler is a ABSOLUTE last resort for me. I have made up for my cost in trading. My expense has been amortized and totally paid back because of the profit I have gained. You totally disregarded the fact if a couple of dozen players are all looking for the same product another player might take advantage of it and make a profit.....So by not having a boosted good has made no effect. I have plenty of space, and material and population. Adding in 6 SILK has only reduced my cost but gained me substantial profit. More than one way to look at it...RIGHT....;)

Double bang for my buck, reduced my expense from dealing with the expensive trader and brought me in a tidy profit...I keep track of everything I spend.


How are you making a profit with a non-boosted goods? If you're giving it away to others for more goods of other types... That's okay if it works for you, but from my point of view it's not that profitable (I can get those other goods using my boosted goods as well). We all choose how we play, might be that way works better for you. For me it's easier, faster, and cheaper to produce only boosted goods and manage the rest of my needs how I can, even using the wholesaler. So far so good, I haven't come across any bottlenecks since I started doing this.


I actually quite often reach my cap for coins and supplies so I spend those on the wholesaler.. I also just produce my boosted goods since I've reached tier 3.. I offer my goods for 120:100 on the market and they are always gone within an hour or so.. It works just fine this way and I have plenty of goods to spend with this tactic.. But I find it interesting to hear how others manage their gatherings:)


I just was forced to do something, I never wanted to do: build a manufactory of a non-boosted good :(. Nobody in my discovered neighborhood is producing tier 3 goods at the moment and all cities, that could give magic dust, are abandoned :( (there is 1 exception, but never saw any offer from this side...).

I tried to compare building another boosted factory instead: with boost of 228% at the moment I would produce 3.28 boosted goods in same time, far away from 5 I need for buying magic dust at the wholesaler.


Building 1 is okay, i've done that with tier 1, but eventually you're going to need the space for something else.


There were no planks at the market, when I needed them, I managed to buy them with coins or supplies, but tier 3 it is by far too expensive to get enough.


They're pretty expensive indeed so 1 or 2 factories of those could be cheaper in the end


You can trade your boosted goods for non-boosted goods at the wholesaler. It's much cheaper to do so than build and upgrade buildings for non-boosted goods. It's more efficient than wasting city space, other goods, and valuable time for a non-boosted goods production.

I'm gonna steal that from you for trying to educate 95% of my active neighbors. Love it! In my case, it's specially frustrating: they don't even have to trade with the wholesaler, they can trade WITH ME on a 1:1 ratio, but they still flood their city with unboosted goods buildings from all 3 tiers!!!!!!!!!


I'm a FoE player, and i have the feeling that Elvenar has indeed a research-point bottleneck. Just give us some other way to spend RPoints (the market is not enough). In FoE we have Great Buildings.


I don't think FoE is a good comparison in this case because it has been around for a few years, and Great Buildings were only introduced to it about 8 months after it went into open beta. Plus, to avoid copying FoE as much as possible, they could instead add a way to use knowledge points on the world map. The encounters quickly get difficult and after a while the number of enemy units per squad gets way too large for a player to battle. To help that they could allow some "spying"/"sabotage"/"ambush" attack which requires the use of KP and in return lowers the number of units in those encounters.

Hit two birds with one stone, make KPs useful elsewhere and help players work through their more difficult encounters.


The map, here, gives you RP, rather than allow you to spend them.

I do not say that GB should be introduced, but they should introduce some way to spend large amount of forge points in other ways than the research tree.


I know it does, but it could still allow for using KP. You get 1 for solving an encounter, but it could allow you to spend a few KP to make the encounter easier.

While I would support some type of unique buildings (which I hope are as different as possible from FoE's GBs) I don't think those could happen anytime soon. They take a lot of work for planning, drawing/designing, and coding. They could do something simpler in the meantime that also helps with other potential game issues.


In all honesty, if you can do 15 minute or even 1 hour demands on your workshops - they end up being much more useful than using a non-boosted good. Ironically, they also tie up less culture, thus boosting their own production by comparison. I funded all of my early research with non-boosted good requirements by doing 5 minute supply demands on 12 workshops, rather than 5 workshops (which is my bare minimum for troops/research @ 1hr/3hr demands) and then trading those at wholesaler prices. I didn't use any market trades early on simply to test my theory - and I was correct. I temporarily have some Wood and Stone manufactories, but I only built them to stockpile while I do the same trading scheme for silk and crystals (I produce boosted scrolls)


I know it does, but it could still allow for using KP. You get 1 for solving an encounter, but it could allow you to spend a few KP to make the encounter easier.

Exactly. Like the bribe option in FoE!