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Discussion Release Notes version 1.113


Well-Known Member
This is where I stopped... and I'll be parked here until they make a really good reason for me to move forward.
This is one thing I don't understand: in my vision, this game is a "village development game" where races/research tree are the main ways to develop it, while tournaments/spire/events/adventures are just add-ons to get some useful rewards. Which is the fun in playing it "just for good results in tournaments" (which doesn't bring you anywhere)? You are not the only one who does it, but, maybe, you can tell me which is the fun in "tournaments Elvenar" (also with the old tournament mode ;-)).
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Well-Known Member
The more I play this game the more I regret I'm elf... Now I can train 1/3 less units I can use comparing with the human city of the same chapter (any chapter 15+)... Terrible change.
This is another thing I don't understand: as far as I see, humans have better mages, while elves have better HR (golems vs mortars). What am I missing?


Well-Known Member
you won't use golems after you research frog prince. Or use them so rarely that temple of toads would produce more of them than you need...


The main problem of dogs (and all light melee units) are useless at 200% difficulties, and at easier level, often boosted LR is better than light melee, i think we can use training ground to produce dryad and some little banshee (at chapter < XIV, player can produce OA).


Well-Known Member
The more I play this game the more I regret I'm elf... Now I can train 1/3 less units I can use comparing with the human city of the same chapter (any chapter 15+)... Terrible change.
Basically you only need 3 units everywhere - the ranger, blossom magician and the frog.
All other units are just sacrifices, yes I will also produce on all military buildings in my city, because having better and not needing than needing and not having.

But if you want to win, you better use the 3 above.


Well-Known Member
I am elf as well... I get your point that even thought you will only use 3 units, humans have units with each building that are useful... A massive disadvantage...

The more I play this game the more I regret I'm elf... Now I can train 1/3 less units I can use comparing with the human city of the same chapter (any chapter 15+)... Terrible change.


I am elf as well... I get your point that even thought you will only use 3 units, humans have units with each building that are useful... A massive disadvantage...
I’m an elf. I just have to use time instants differently.
Welcome this change.


Well-Known Member
This is one thing I don't understand: in my vision, this game is a "village development game" where races/research tree are the main ways to develop it, while tournaments/spire/events/adventures are just add-ons to get some useful rewards. Which is the fun in playing it "just for good results in tournaments" (which doesn't bring you anywhere)? You are not the only one who does it, but, maybe, you can tell me which is the fun in "tournaments Elvenar" (also with the old tournament mode ;-)).
Believe it or not my primary focus is city building. Everything else is secondary to me having my city the way I like it. There's just nothing coming up that's in any way exciting to me. Sure I'd like to add a chapter 16 residence and workshop to my set up (I only tend to have one, sometimes two, residences from each chapter), but I see little else. In the earlier chapters you could be excited by all the expansions, but what do I have to look forward to there? Two, if I play to the end of chapter 16?

The next thing is that I've come to really hate guest races. On a side note I'd like to suggest having a new chapter that doesn't have one at all. We've had 11 in a row that do, but there were 5 before that that didn't. Don't get me wrong, the chapter 15 settlement was beautiful, but I still hated it being there. I had to teleport a lot of buildings away just to have room to fit in enough so that it wouldn't take me a hundred years. All the while I was just counting down the days until I could get rid of it and put things back to normal. The guest race settlement never feels like something that belongs in my city. Even if it's well designed I see it as something I just have to put up with for a time.

On the other side of it I do appreciate the other aspects of the game like tournaments. Within my own weird constraints I still like to do as well as I can in them. I was happily doing 10-15k before the change and knew that I'd want to get all those chapter 15 troop upgrades. So I dove in to get them, but then immediately deleted my settlement because I can't see anything worthy enough to tempt me to go further. Chapter 16 just looks twice as lengthy as the last and yet there aren't even upgrades on the horizon that pique my interest.

An added layer now is tournament difficulty. The further I force myself to advance through the techs will just make it harder and harder, as will placing those (limited) extra expansions.

So if I'm to move forward I would have to see something in chapter 17, or maybe 18, that looks so good, or beneficial, or beautiful, that I can't be without it.


Well-Known Member
What difference does it make in how many buildings I can train troops if they just die of complexity? All these attempts to somehow ennoble the new tournament are just fun.
Let's speculate their objectives:
- with "impossible" encounters they limit the number of provinces you can win by fighting, but you can still push by catering
- with 3 queues they help more people to try to get to that limit

Maybe it is not what you would like, but for sure it is an improvement for many players (it will be for me for sure :cool: ).


So has anybody considered what the badge requirements will be for the Elvarian Guard badges in the FA now ? I know it is not here now, but before too long ....