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Discussion Realm of the Phoenix


Well-Known Member
4x4, Culture, Population, and more bonuses depending on Chapter and Stage
Pet Feed bonus: Discount on Spire Diplomacy Costs percentage based on the building stage
First, it should apply to Spire, Tournament and provinces, like Fire Phoenix
Second, it should have a feeding duration of 24h, like Fire Phoenix
Third, it should provide "extra mileage" equivalent to Fire Phoenix (+50% attack)


Just what is the Astral Phoenix suppose to do besides Culture, Population and the usual extras it gives the higher we go up the stages ? If it isn't something really good then I probably won't put it out. The only Phoenixs I have out is the Ashen Phoenix level 10 to help with the events. I got in late so only got a level 4 Fire Phoenix for fighting.


First, it should apply to Spire, Tournament and provinces, like Fire Phoenix
Second, it should have a feeding duration of 24h, like Fire Phoenix
Third, it should provide "extra mileage" equivalent to Fire Phoenix (+50% attack)
Can you expand upon the extra mileage? What are you referring to and how do you imagine that working for goods reduction?


Well-Known Member
Can you expand upon the extra mileage? What are you referring to and how do you imagine that working for goods reduction?
That it should help in an equivalent "quantity" (not necesarily the same number)

Let's say that +50% attack is equivalent to +25% Troops (not exactly true, as increase in attack greatly reduces loss of troops, not linear dependency...) , that would allow to do aprox +10% Tournament encounters.
To achieve that +10% extra Tournament encounters by catering with some fixed resources, the necessary discount should be:
Number of provinces (encounters)Required Catering discount
24 (129)-16.94 %
32 (177)-16.35 %
40 (225)-17.24 %
64 (369)-17.89 %

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
Of course it should, have you ever tried to negotiate through third floor in the Spire? I did, and i'm pretty sure that since that time my negotiation costs at least doubled.
So it's effect is useless unless it lowers costs by at least 80-90%.


The feeding effect is pointless unless you have enough pet food to use it.
Most players feed fire phoenix, brown bear and polar bear for tournaments, red panda if they craft a lot and ashen phoenix for the events.
The many other feedable buildings are ignored because there is no pet food leftover

While I agree that pet food should be a rare commodity so that you have to choose your strategy, at the moment it is too rare to work in this way which detracts from the overall gameplay.


Well-Known Member
3 relics every other day??? … why ?? anyone who has played for more than a few months has thousands of each type
what can you use them for ..?
if you know, please illuminate because I have approximately 10k of each type


Well-Known Member


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Dorfl the Clay

Well-Known Member
The second quest (gather an amount of coins) was ridiculously difficult.. was that amount really intended or maybe an extra zero was added by accident? I had to help every available neighbour on my worldmap to complete it! Unusual...


Well-Known Member
I don't know what to think about this phoenix, I understand that there should and must be something for the traders.
As we say at home, this is "nicht meine Baustelle". But if I were a trader, then I would be pretty mad about this Evo.

10% cost reduction for the Spire...really 10%!?
Tournament nothing, what is that?
Fighter Fire Bird works everywhere!

It's clear that you have to be careful that those who don't care much for money don't get the tournament or the tower for free by buying as much as necessary.

There would have been ways to design the bird in such a way that you can still have at least 20-25% cost reduction with an Evo, for example, and with four more up to a maximum of 50%. a sixth Evo would not reduce the costs at all.

Is it really too much to cut costs by up to 50% for traders? Even then they can't win anything in the tournament when it comes to the ranking list, but at least they can try it, if someone is really willing to buy 5 birds.

For traders this Evo needs to feel like a treasure chest with more than half missing.

By the way, just a tip: You're welcome, it doesn't cost anything ;)
Being able to keep buying grand prizes in events is a lousy concept.
This is also the reason why you are not able to create reasonable grand prizes, because you always have to expect that some crazy person will crash the balance.
You would have so much creative space if this nonsense would stop... maximum 2 base plates then the event is over, would that really be so tragic!?
If you want to release more baseplates, you can decide that via tomes and still keep control of the balance.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
The second quest (gather an amount of coins) was ridiculously difficult.. was that amount really intended or maybe an extra zero was added by accident? I had to help every available neighbour on my worldmap to complete it! Unusual...

My level 23 Golden Abyss makes 3 times the amount of coins the quest asked for, so no problem at all


Oh - just 48 general quests
and 22 daily quests

One might think that INNO is saving event currency so that diamonds can be spent on the phoenix.