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Fixed Quest - Troops Save Valuable Goods


General Description (Overview):

What I expected to happen:

The quest "Troops save Valuable goods" states that you have to fight 3 encounters. If I fight an encounter is should register.

What actually happened:

If I fight an encounter and win it registers. If I fight an encounter and loose it does not register.

How often has this happened:

Every time.

Screenshots/Additional information:

4 screenshots attached.

If the quest is correct then any fight, win or loose, should register. Otherwise the text is wrong and should be changed to “Win 3 Encounters” rather than "Fight 3 Encounters.

Reproduction Steps:

1. Accept the quest

2. Fight an encounter and win (this action registers on the quest).

3. Fight an encounter and loose (this action does not register).

Player Name: Jimmac

World: Beta Elvenar

Operating System: Windows XP

Browser and Version: Firefox 36.0.1

Flash Version

Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels 32 Bit

Fight quest 1.JPG

Fought Encounter and won.

Fight quest 2.JPG

Fought encounter and lost.

Fight quest 3.JPG

Counter did not incriment.

Fight quest 4.JPG


Of course this is intended, otherwise you could easily start fighting 3 times and give up instantly.


If you gave up then that would be a surrender which is different from a defeat which is loosing a fight.


Thanks Marindor I was not sure if it was a quest error or just a text error which is why I mentioned both.




Hi Marindor

just to confirm the text should read "Fight and Win 3 Encounters" as I have just tried a negotiated encounter and this did not incriment the quest counter.



Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Hi jimmac, just to clarify something... 'Fight' in a quest text always means specifically 'fight a battle using your troops'. Solving an encounter by negotiating should never count towards this type of quest.


Hi Amy

thanks, that is what I suspected. The negotiation was just to rule out that means of having a sucessful encounter to ensure that it did not incriment the counter.

The clarification was, when I fought the encounter with troops and lost, this did not incriment the counter which is why I suggested that the text had to be changed to "Fight and Win 3 encounters" which is different from the current text which states "Fight 3 encounters".

The current text does not state win or lose it just states fight. So this is just to make it clear that the player has to fight and win the 3 encounters to be successful. As form past experience as a Mod in other games, some players could argue (for a long time) that they have compleated the quest as they have fought an encounter. This suggestion was to try and remove this ambiguity.



Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Fixed. Text now reads 'Fight and win in 3 Encounters' (for example - as this issue applies to more than one quest). Thanks again for pointing this out jimmac :)