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Duplicate Quest: Strengthening Strengths

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General Description (Overview): The quest requires you to build one scrolls manufactory. I did this and did not get credited for finishing the task.

What I expected to happen: I expect to get credit for the building that I built.

What actually happened: I did not get credit for it.

How often has this happened: Once

Screenshots/Additional information:
In this screen shot you can see that I have two scrolls manufactories. One that I had before I received the quest (at top) and one that I just built (the one with the Zzz on the right side). Yet I did not get credit for accomplishing the task (still 0/1).

Player Name: Odvar

World: Beta1. I think :p

Operating System: WinXP

Browser and Version: FireFox v36.0.1

Flash Version:

Screen Resolution: 1920 X 1080


Well-Known Member
Hi Odvar,

Thank you for reporting this issue. It is a known issue on which our development team is currently working. Please follow this topic for any updates on it. I'll lock this one as a duplicate now, thanks again for reporting!
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