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Cannot reproduce Quest giver vanishes


Trying do decline a quest (complete a province) the quest giver vanishes.

Sometimes after 10 - 20 seconds, the next quest giver appears, sometimes an 'internal error' is the result.


Game version: v1.2.4-(ec62c05) (2016-03-17 15:43)
Game world: Beta 1
Browser + version: Google Chrome 48.0.2564.116 m
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Account name: Extranjero
Humans or Elves: Human
Reproducibility: 5/5
Quest title: -
Current situation: next quest giver foesn't come within a short time(internal error is caused
Expected situation: next quest giver comes like always
Reproduction Steps:
- register an account in Inno-Games
- play Elvenar for some months
- create preconditions for scenarios described above (train some units)
- watch and notice


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your report. So far we haven't been able to reproduce it. Sometimes it takes just a few moments before a next quest appears, but no internal errors here. Are there any other players experiencing similar issues?
So far we've been unable to reproduce this issue. If anyone has reproduction steps, please do share them. For now, we'll archive this thread. :)


I have seen this many times. The quest giver eventually comes back, but it can be a long wait sometimes. For me, it is an intermittent problem, but it is 100% there as a problem.