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Quest for Glory!

la lune

New Member
Dear fellows and felines, wizards and sorceresses, amazons and warriors, dear merchants of all people all over the continent of Elvenar,

The Shores of the Unknown are waiting for you! Together we explore the shrowded mystics and wonders of the Beta-World. May it be the battel for honour in the weekly tournament, the discoveries in the spire of eternity, may it be the progress of our wisdom and wonders, a vivid trade or a strongly forged bond of friendship and neighbourhood – we stand together and prevail! Will you also become a part of our thriving fellowship and prosper along with us? Our ports are wide open for everyone questing for glory:

- Teach the villains of the wild a lesson they will never forget and take part in the tournament (an average of around 2.000 to 3.000 points a week would be nice)!

- Dountlessly push through the spire of eternity (at least the first stage each week, up to the peak from time to time)!

- Welcome your neighbours and feed your people (NBH on a daily basis and a regular visit to the trader)!

- Let us vie with all the other principalities for honour in the Fellowship Adventure (we usually aim for a ranking aming the top ten)!

If these are your principles, then you are welcome to The Shores of the Unknown! Lust aply in the game and send a few words vie PM to me, la lune, or to my dear and honourable mages Avocado or Lodengruen.

The Unknown is waiting for you to discover...