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Duplicate Quest "Commemorating History" will not complete

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General Description (Overview): The quest asks me to build a Statue of the Sacred Sage, but when I did that, the quest does not complete. It still sits unfinished, even though I built two after getting the Quest

What I expected to happen: I expected the Quest to show complete, and allow me to collect the reward and move on to the next Quest.

What actually happened: Nothing.

How often has this happened: Twice

Screenshots/Additional information:

Reproduction Steps:

1.I clicked OKAY to acknowledge the Quest

2.I built the Statue of the Sacred Sage, and waited an hour for the build to finish.

3. The Quest still shows uncomplete

Player Name: MaelchiDarbren

World: Beta

Operating System: Windows 8.1

Browser and Version: Google Chrome version 40.0

Flash Version:

Screen Resolution:


Well-Known Member
Thank you for reporting this! It is a known issue, which we have already passed to our developers and we're currently waiting for a fix on it. Please follow this topic for any updates on the matter! I'll lock this one as a duplicate now :)
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