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Quest Changes


I was damn scared when I read about the change in the tax quest, but luckily for me not much changed, other then buying more goods from the wholesaler to have enough space in the coin storage to complete the quest.

But I would really appreciate to have a heads-up on changes like this, so one can prepare, even if only mentally!

Furthermore I can't really see why they changed it... if they want to prevent people from not needing workshops there are also other quest like "More Culture" (gain 100 culture for 15k coins and 8,5k supplies) with one can still get infinite supplies with a free builder and some free building space, same goes for coins and the "Increasing Population" quest.
I was doing "Increasing Population" and "Supplies Supply Security" a lot to generate coins to buy KPs, until I reached the end of the Tree (I was at around 350k coins cost for the next KP then :eek:)
Right now I'm going through the repeatables twice when collecting my goods (3h production) to use the get 2k marble/silk/gems quest twice, so i get 340k coins and 26k supplies from these quests and starting the production again costs roughly 340k coins and 34k supplies, so basicly my production cost only 8k supplies, I can also do "More Culture" or "Our Taxes" twice while I am already cycling through the quest and I would still not need workshops at all.

Because I can't see the use of this change when there are still so many nice quests I wonder if this change is just the beginning and more quest changes will follow?!?

If so: Give us a heads-up please!
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This was changed because it had the wrong balancing. The quest had the same requirements as another quest that gave a way smaller reward and that came earlier in the quest sequense. To better balance this quest to the player's progress and the reward that will be received, it was decided to increase the number of coins from 50k to 150k. This is still fairly easy to get when you are an advanced player (which you are by the time you start getting the quest), though. :)