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Duplicate Quest build 2 workshops >lvl 5

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situation: the quest Superior Workshops, upgrade 2 worksops min. lvl 5.

account juni
browser: firefox 36.0.4
flash: recently updated to

I had a few workshops lvl 9 and one on lvl 8, when I got that quest.

I upgraded one workshop to lvl 10, and the lvl 8 to lvl 9

and the script detected only one upgrade, instead of both upgrades.

I'm doing another lvl 10 upgrade, and I hope that the system detects that as beyond lvl 5 upgrade, but please look into that issue. it's either a wrong definition in the quest or some bug that prevents detecting upgrades.


As there are other reports of quests that don't count finished upgrades, there still seems to be a bug with those.

Maybe the old workaround to be online when the upgrade is finished is helping furthermore.


I was online when it finished.

I might have been on the map, and not on the town-screen.


I didn't hear about that in connection with upgrade quests so far, but as there is/was a bug with residences finishing upgrades while you're on the map, this could be related indeed.


Well-Known Member
Hi Juni,

Please use this topic for this issue and please send us a support ticket so we can have a closer look at your exact quest. Thank you for that, I'll lock this thread as a duplicate now! :)
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