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Cannot reproduce Provinces unlocked all at once


I am playing on google Chrome as an elf

on Windows 10 on a lenovo laptop with 8 mg of ram version of adobe
v1.4-5cf4c83-(staging) (2016-04-19 12:53)

I don't know if this is a bug, but it is different from the way it worked last week.

Last week I cleared one tournament province and then 20 hours later that province was unlocked, but only that province. I had to wait all day as each one of them unlocked one by one when they hit the 20 hour mark.

This week, I cleared a bunch of tournaments all over the map all day long and they ALL unlocked at the same time. I could go to any of them.

What I expected: I expected to have to wait 20 hours after I cleared a specific province before the next level was unlocked. (It is a pleasant surprise that they were all unlocked at once, so I hope it is not a bug but was intended.)
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Ain't Beta fun? The other wrinkle to watch for is the FoE method, where each Tournament unlocks just 1 hour after it's been completed.


This happened to me as well today. Yesterday I had the first four tournament rounds done and it said I have to wait 20 hours for the next level. Today, 24 hours later, the 2nd level reappeared but also did the tournaments 5-8 of the first level.


I'm a little confused :p
This happened to me as well today. Yesterday I had the first four tournament rounds done and it said I have to wait 20 hours for the next level. Today, 24 hours later, the 2nd level reappeared but also did the tournaments 5-8 of the first level.
This sounds like this issue.

First post sounds more like something like this for example:
First province cleared at 8:10 pm, last at 9:30pm
The next day all done provinces are unlocked for the next level at 8:10 pm, also the one finished at 9:30pm and all between.
Is that right?


They are two different issues.

One issue is what you just described perfectly.

The other bug is that provinces 1-15 were fought on day one and only provinces 1-15. Province 16 was unlocked as soon as I was done with 15, but I chose not to fight it. Province 17 was not unlocked because I had not done province 16 yet. That should have remained the situation throughout the tournament until and unless I ever chose to go back and fight province 16.

However, on day two provinces 16, 17, 18, and 19 were unlocked on level 1. I could do 18 without doing 16, I could do any or all or none of them. That seemed like a bug since on day one I was not able to enter a tournament without unlocking the previous one.

I still chose not to do any of those levels. On day three every province was unlocked. I could do 16, or 19, or 20, or 25, or any province.

I don't know if this is also a bug. I hope not. I kind of like the option. As the tournament progresses you don't have to have cleared all your provinces to help a neighbor who is far away who needs help unlocking their bonuses.