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Duplicate Production of Night Farms taking too long

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__ v1.1.6-(f53cbb5) (2016-03-09 10:46)
Game world: __beta
Browser + version: __chrome updated
Flash Player version: __automatic update
Operating System: __windows 10
Screen resolution: __1680*1050
Account name: __LordBrian
Humans or Elves: __Elf

Reproducibility: 5/5

Current situation:
Producing Nightshade should take 1 hour to complete - at present it takes well in excess of an hour. My production run has been going for about 30 minutes but is still showing 59 minutes to complete.

Expected situation:
Nightshade production would be complete in 1 hour

Reproduction Steps
Go to night farm
2. Set production for 1 hour
3. Take screen print
4. __
5. __
Thanks for the report. The displayed time is somewhat misleading at the moment - it should be an hour and a half to produce Nightshade. It will be changed with a coming update (can't say which one exactly yet at this point).

This has also been reported here, so we'll close this as a duplicate. :)
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