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Production cycles / duration


It seems a little unfair that you can produce more goods with 2 x 3 hour cycles than 1 x 9 hour one. I know that you want people to access the game regularly, but it does seem to heavily favour those with an abundance of time on their hands.

Wouldn't it be fairer to have a 9 hour cycle at least produce the same as 2 x 3 hour ones rather than less?


It's how these games always work. It's the same with normal games. The shorter the time, the more it will eventually give you (if you would immediately collect). I can understand that it's unfair, and I don't like it much either, but it is as you say: they want people to play as much as possible and this is one of the ways to do that.

So I don't think they will change it :confused:


Yes, this is usual in these games. But why not, every click earns a reward. The difference between a step is not very huge. Activity must be rewarded.


This is indeed quite normal in games like this one. Same with the workshops. Collecting them every 5 minutes gives you alot more than collecting once every 9 hours.


I think it's fine as it is because it pushes you to be more active during the day. It means you will log on more frequently and thus play the game more frequently. I think I could support a slight adjustment though, so that at least the 3 hour production is half of the 9 hours one, and the 9 hours one is half of the 1 day production, etc. Currently they're a bit lower than that. Not that I mind them as they are but I don't see any harm in a slight increase. :)


On the other hand, I think both coins and supplies requirement are pretty low, so having them collected in 9-hour-cycles seems more than enough.