"Luck" may have a number associated to it, everyone understands that there is a formula, a percentage chance. Yes there is math, we are simply saying it could be better than it is now. The current chance of Pet food applied to each refresh in the MA is currently not high enough. With the same odds all year, can really be "not fun" "Most of the Time"
No one is asking for unlimited food.
It has been pointed out that it wouldn't actually hurt the game because, feeding effects don't stack or unbalance the game. The feeding effects are not overpowered when using several different ones. No one actually cares if player AAAA feeds all their fire phoenixes, they were doing that anyways. without the extra pet food.
Perhaps feeding effects can be changed to working only once per city. Example player with more than one fire phoenix can only feed one, for one effect. Then no abuse could happen. Right now, one of each Pet is not the actual problem and we are not asking to feed one of each pet, no one is asking for unlimited pet food use. If there is a problem, please name the Exact Pets and quantities that ruin the game for everyone so we can see the actual percentage of players that would benefit/lose from said equation. Then perhaps we should nerf those buildings so we ca enjoy a better variety of pets in our city. Its really easy to say its "not necessary" to have more pet food available, but where is the proof that it is Not?
Yes, we are talking about possibly feeding a few extra times a week, but yet again, not asking for all the pets.
Yes there are too many pets to own and we would like to Feed a few a week. Not all of them, Not asking for unlimited pet food, not wanting to place and feed them all
Yes, players must choose the space in their city, and if we so choose to place more pets, why cant we chose to feed them on a rotational basis that makes sense to our needs as a player? What actual, real, harm can be mentioned? Please, list all and any actual, foreseeable, tangible, unacceptable problems here, for all to read, that may, somehow arise from the ability to feed Specific pets in Specific quantities weekly? Pass a chart that shows when X is fed, then Y problem exists and the game is broken. Where is the actual data and numbers on these crushing, overpowered pets we all have packed away, unused in our inventory?
There are many games with Zoo features, and those are really fun, but that isn't what we are talking about, but may be an excellent addition to elvenar, but separate from the pet food issue.
Some players are struggling to feed a few pets, which is why we are asking for a bit more
Whether I have enough or anyone has enough, there are players with not enough pet food. A small adjustment, somewhere, can be fair, balanced and help players who are not seeing the pet food often enough. We should all be objective enough to admit something could be done, in some small way, miniscule or new content added to make it less frustrating to feed a few pets.
*decrease the 5hr time on the MA ( not a popular idea but still possible)
*increase the odds but implement a cap on the number weekly possible
*slightly increase the percentage now, nudge that number up and lets see how bad it gets in a week.
offer it to Select Players to test - perhaps players with no double bases
*cap daily, weekly, monthly pet food if necessary to increase the frequency.
*limit how many of each duplicate pets we can feed
*create a Food Exhaustion Meter that caps weekly feed effects. only time can refill the bar/meter/quota
Something can be done to increase frequency, balance and continue to provide enjoyment to the game, i am sure of that ♥