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Other "Produce" Pet Food in the MA as well as craft it.


Active Member
One of the most frequent complaints from players is that we don't have enough Pet Food in the game. Its appearance in Crafting is too random, and now we have so many evolving buildings that require Pet Food in order to provide their benefit. During a Fellowship Adventure, I could easily go through 2 or 3 per day. And now we have the new Phoenix building.

How about making it possible to Produce Pet Food as a spell in the MA? We can produce CC spells AND craft them (AND we get them as prizes in the Spire). Please find a way to let us have more Pet Food as well!

Bor de Wolf 1965

Well-Known Member
Maybe it is me but I don't understand why you keep using 2 or 3 pet foods a day.
1 for the BBQ chicken I can understand.
1 for the ashen Phenix I can understand but that lasts up to 30 days.

If you are using the pet food everyday for your brown bear, I think you are using it wrong.
You just feed it once, and go to your barracks, training grounds or mercenary camp and start using time boosters and keep producing soldiers.
Just fill up the hammers when needed and repeat the process for all the soldiers you need.
1 x a brown bear feeding can give you easy over 100 production slots of soldiers.

The trick here is to use your pet food the smart way and not every time you can.


I agree we need more Pet Food. I have a hard time keeping up and I don't use very many. I feed my Fire Phoenix when I remember, feed Ashen once per event, feed one bear for FA and one for when I need troops. I have still only been able to get between 20 and 25 in inventory. I don't understand how people can have hundreds of them.

Bor de Wolf 1965

Well-Known Member
On a life server I have around 20 pet foods in my inventory and that is enough.
I use 2 of them for every tournament and 1 for a new event.
Some times I win 1 or 2 pet food and on other occasions I make them in my MA.

I only start worrying when I get below 5 of them.


Well-Known Member
Last year I use 4.5 pet food weekly for: 2x fire phoenix, 2x brown bears, 0.5 polar bear (1 pet food per 2 weeks) + 1 pet food per event for ashen phoenix. With that pace my stash of pet food is slowly increasing despite I often leave pet food recipe active when new recipes arrive. If I would stop doing that I think I can afford one more weekly pet food for new phoenix, may be even 2 phoenixes if I feed my brown bears more rare or reroll MA more often (my stash of diamonds is also increasing). Not sure if second phoenix worth feeding though, as the more of them active - the less profit feeding next one gives.
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Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
I'm one of those having hundreds of pet food:
beta: 222 (feeding mostly Fire, usualy 3x/week (unless i forget to do tournament rounds), from time to time feeding 2 brown bears)
cz2: 358 (feeding Fire up to 3x/week, feeding Red Panda 2-3x/week (3 day effect), sometimes Ashen 1x/2month, no brown bear, but wouldn't make much effect feeding it once in a while)
cz1: 303 (with Timewarp and Polar bear i have 0 cooldown, doing 2tourneys+2Spire combo to save pet food & expiring buildings(especialy them)), (feeding Fire once a week, Polar bear once in two weeks, Red Panda 2-3x/week (3 day effect), Ashen 1x/2month, 2 brown bears usualy once a month)

Some techniques to save pet food available for everyone:
The effect of Fire lasts 24h, you can do 2 tournament rounds even with 16h cooldown easily (like first round at 19:00 when tournament starts, second round 1 hour (or more) sooner next day)

Feed the brown bear once in a while (like once per month) and train a huge amount of units by using time instants & supply instants (if you play full Spire & all events you should have more of both than you need)

So unless one is extremely unlucky in not getting pet food in academy, or missing half the recipe rotations, by using some pet food saving techniques, one should have enough pet food for the pets we have unless you feed every feedable pet there is (many of them are useless just wasting pet food).


Well-Known Member
I think this solution is possible, but if it gets implemented, you will have to take into account there will be downsides as well.
If they give us the ability to get more pet food more easily, then they will very likely also reduce the power of all the buildings that use the pet food.

The reason why (some) pet food buildings are powerfull is just because you are limited in pet food amounts, if we would have unlimited pet food, most of those buildings would be overpowered.


New Member
Pet food IS a major issue. The drop rate is not even close to the amount of buildings to feed. Some of you all are saying just use 1 here 1 there. I can tell you that its just you. The Idea I have is producing pet food using standard goods. Standard goods is the start of the game and when you start the game and get a "Twilight Phoenix". Wouldn't you want to play the game longer if you can produce food to feed the very first Bird you get?


New Member
I think this solution is possible, but if it gets implemented, you will have to take into account there will be downsides as well.
If they give us the ability to get more pet food more easily, then they will very likely also reduce the power of all the buildings that use the pet food.

The reason why (some) pet food buildings are powerfull is just because you are limited in pet food amounts, if we would have unlimited pet food, most of those buildings would be overpowered.
I'm one of those having hundreds of pet food:
beta: 222 (feeding mostly Fire, usualy 3x/week (unless i forget to do tournament rounds), from time to time feeding 2 brown bears)
cz2: 358 (feeding Fire up to 3x/week, feeding Red Panda 2-3x/week (3 day effect), sometimes Ashen 1x/2month, no brown bear, but wouldn't make much effect feeding it once in a while)
cz1: 303 (with Timewarp and Polar bear i have 0 cooldown, doing 2tourneys+2Spire combo to save pet food & expiring buildings(especialy them)), (feeding Fire once a week, Polar bear once in two weeks, Red Panda 2-3x/week (3 day effect), Ashen 1x/2month, 2 brown bears usualy once a month)

Some techniques to save pet food available for everyone:
The effect of Fire lasts 24h, you can do 2 tournament rounds even with 16h cooldown easily (like first round at 19:00 when tournament starts, second round 1 hour (or more) sooner next day)

Feed the brown bear once in a while (like once per month) and train a huge amount of units by using time instants & supply instants (if you play full Spire & all events you should have more of both than you need)

So unless one is extremely unlucky in not getting pet food in academy, or missing half the recipe rotations, by using some pet food saving techniques, one should have enough pet food for the pets we have unless you feed every feedable pet there is (many of them are useless just wasting pet food).
Key word you said in all that, If you feed EVERY FEEDABLE PET, doesn't matter if useless to you, maybe useful to others!!!! You cannot get enough pet food.


New Member
The amount of pet food you get does not effect the power of each feeding effect because most are not very long. There is no Powerful "buildings", and there should be no downsides only upsides. Do you really thing the more pet food someone gets the more powerful they will be? Or the more the get the more they want to play!

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
@yekim I don't think that devs will ever give us enough pet food to keep all of our pets fed all the time. But maybe they might be wiling to give us a little more than we currently get (something like back then when they gave us the additional recipe for pet food using scrolls only).


Well-Known Member
The best way to control "pets" is trough the limited aviability of pet foods.
I am a fan of releasing a lot more pets, it's all about making choices.

As karvest said, Pet foot is not that random as long as you see all recipes every day. and you look at the long term (a week can be good or bad but a year is all the same for all players within reason)

If we remove the choice by giving away perfood like candies, then pets needs to be tuned down dramatically to avoid them being too OP


Active Member
It feels like there's a lot of "I'm alright, Jack" going on. Let's, for a minute, forget about the 2 million + point cities with AWs ranked at 30 + and who played early enough in the game to have several Fire Phoenixes, and focus on the average, smaller, less powerful player. I think Inno wants to attract and retain new players or players who have only a year under their belt as well as the ones who've been here for seven.

The new Phoenix building has a 3.5 hour duration. It only replaces troops when you're actually fighting (not like, say the Brown Bear which you can use at any time). Someone in my FS said "oh that's no problem if you have 0 cooldown - you can still do all the tourney and the Spire in one feeding." Not unless you have a really high level TimeWarp or maybe a less levelled TimeWarp plus Polar Bear (which also needs feeding). What about all the players who have not reached Constructs and don't even HAVE a Timewarp? Realistically, if they are going to benefit from this new building at all they will need more than one Pet Food per week.

Honestly? I don't know how some of you can have stores of 100s of Pet Food. I've had people in LiveWorld FS complain that they didn't get any PF offered in the MA for several weeks.I play actively and strategically and make sure all my crafting slots are empty at change-over time, and still have trouble keeping more than an average of 5 or 6 PFs in stock at a time. And I don't even use a whole lot of them.

Saying "oh, if we give out more PF will make the buildings more powerful..." isn't that kind of the point? Why keep throwing buildings at us that need feeding if we're not supposed to use them? Or is it the players who have duplicates of the most powerful ones because they got them early enough in the game who don't want their scores being challenged?


Well-Known Member
The game already favors small players a lot (talking about tourney/spire SS formula), forcing them to grow up at least to get timewarp to get full benefit from new phoenix is not a bad choice. And even then they would be in better position than old players as they can skip placing unneeded expansions.


Well-Known Member
Most players would like to feed a few different pets. Pets give a variety of unstackable benefits! Some give Vison Vapor, troop revival, several are production assisting, a couple Neighborly helps, scouting, unit production, tournament cool-down, .....and then there is the fire phoenix. with the damage bonus. Lets Remember that there are more players without two phoenix, they are not the normal, average, or relevant samples of players, and 2 of anything is definitely not why we should or shouldn't have something in a game. Inno offers a second base EVERY EVENT. Players with 2 bases of each exist but are not the majority, there is only one Gold league, and three leagues of players every event earning 1 base. Also, with every new player to Elvenar, 2 base players or phoenix owning players are less and less. Those few players who found a way to abuse feedings, should stop worrying about players who want to level the playing field with, a few extra pet food they are not lucky enough to get spending diamonds by flipping the MA weekly. Extreme players with extreme strategy are 1% of this game. No one should have to play the way you do to enjoy event buildings that are offered with two bases every event. this is not a discussion about free to play or playing without spending diamonds.

I feel its also important to cover that Inno already offers to us, the guarantee that spending diamonds gets you a second base in an event, and guarantees that spending diamonds can craft 10 extra artifacts for that second base, but there is No Guarantee that spending diamonds to flip the recipes will get you enough pet food for a couple of pets. Again, Not asking for all the pets, lets remind players reading this is not a request to feed everything. Maybe i have repeated myself, but i assure you that is because people are not actually reading the concerns of players above and diminishing the actual problem as "Not their problem" and/or "Not their experience". when we clearly, don't all play the same way.

The suggestion of more pet food or a 48hr building that gives it, we would still be choosing what pets to feed out of the dozen we have. No one is trying to feed all of them, that is another baseless assumption used to poo-poo down a relevant discussion. No one wants 12 feedings a week. we are asking for a consistent chance for a FEW. I don't see how above posters cant do that math. this is not over powering the population of Elvenar, who many don't even have one phoenix base. and if you have hundreds of pet food, we are happy you are lucky but seriously, see the other side of the coin. If you didn't have that pet food after all your sips and diamond flipping, how would you feel?

Then there is the argument that there are cheaters and pushers who have it too easy, sure, But they will cheat and push regardless of how much pet food there is. Period. Inno doesn't expel these people, or punish, instead the average, normal players have been restricted to never accomplish close to what cheating can do for a player. Cheaters and pushers once again, get away with ruining a good game for the rest of us. Cheaters will continue to push and make spire diamond accounts to fund their never ending advantages and I am beginning to think this is how Inno wants me to play, wants you to play. I might as well jump in with both feet and start cheating so I can get enough pet food for 2 buildings. It is not considered cheating if i am using a second or third or 8 cities, that do nothing but weekly spire for diamonds to fund pet food. i could start today making a city on each world, useless accounts that affect the map with non traders so that I can feed more pets. I think its ridiculous to have to resort to this but in four quick chapters i would start acquiring all the diamonds i need to fund an extra pet food a week. Never buy a diamond ever again. I haven't named a single thing that isn't already happening, that Inno isn't already allowing but extra useless diamond cities leads to pushing that hourly kp, now runes as well, from cities that never plan to grow. Wouldn't it be better to just have more pet food available to players?

Balance is possible. we would like some pet food. players want more than the crap luck we currently have, and should enjoy their pets more often. Again, happy if you are that one lucky player who experiences boat loads of craft-able pet food, this is not about you.

Whether or not pet food affects my personal decisions on which pets i feed or personal strategy for pet food use, i see an extreme lack of Pet Food, I recognize the struggle of average players, players also not on Beta, who play without spreadsheets and min-maxing a click-bait building strategy game. I believe strongly that this is fixable, can be balanced, and promotes player growth, player retention, enjoyment of events, enjoyment of tourney and spire, would increase participation in FSA. This is a test server, let us test out what a little more food can do for us.


Active Member
The game already favors small players a lot (talking about tourney/spire SS formula), forcing them to grow up at least to get timewarp to get full benefit from new phoenix is not a bad choice. And even then they would be in better position than old players as they can skip placing unneeded expansions.
This is the kind of comment TomatoeHu is talking about, and what I meant by "I'm alright Jack" - "oh, it would be good to force a new player to grow up and get a Timewarp" Do you REMEMBER how long that takes?? To finish Constructs, even with all the PP spells and maybe diamonds, would take at LEAST six months, realistically a year. So in the meantime you have this lovely new building with a Pet Food duration of 3.5 hours and maybe enough PF to use it like once a week? And don't think I'm speaking from only the position of a smallish player. I have a large city in Live Worlds and have been playing for seven years. But I'm also an AM in that world and I play a small city in H world (US), which is young enough that there are not as many fat complacent cities. You are the MINORITY. The vast majority of players across all the servers are mid-level or smaller. Inno wants to keep those players. There have been some great innovations over the last little while, and we're grateful, but one of the most constant complaints I hear is a lack of pet food. You can pretend that it's not true if you like, but that doesn't change anything.