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Not a Bug Problem with a quest


Game version: v1.2.4-(ec62c05) (2016-03-17 15:43)
Game world: zz1 (Beta)
Browser + version: Chrome 49.0.2623.87 m
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 7
Screen resolution: 1600 x 900
Account name: TerraAnt
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 (happens always)

Quest title: Embracing Replacing

Current situation: Quest requires 125% culture bonus in order to complete. I'm already at 170%.

Expected situation: Since I'm already much over what is required by the quest, it should auto-complete. Otherwise, in order to complete the quest, I'd have to delete many of my cultural buildings just to get down to the expected 125%.

Reproduction Steps: Not applicable

Screenshots of the bug: No screenshots


It's a declinable quest, isn't it? If so just decline and ignore it. :)


Well, we're testing a Beta so we should report any problem we find. I'd decline it as well, anyway, just to be free to progress into the game.


Well-Known Member
The quest task here says "have culture bonus of 125% maximum" so it would have to be 125% or less to complete this quest ;)


But that's ridiculous! Means that in order to complete the quest I'd have to get rid of bunch of my current culture buildings. Yes, I know I can skip the quest, but that's beside the point. I've built up enough Temples of Holy Fire to keep me at max boost. This quest means that it would want me to get rid of... what... half of them? That is out of the question.