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Cannot reproduce Problem collecting


Game version: __ v1.4.2-(1118d3e) (2016-04-14 11:34)
Game world: __ zz1
Browser + version: __ Firefox 45.0.2
Flash Player version: __
Operating System: __ Win7
Screen resolution: __ 1920 x 1080
Account name: __ Fluwyn
Humans or Elves: __ Humans

Reproducibility: __ 4/5 = happens often, but not always

Expected situation:
__ When I've been afk, and come back to my pc to see that there is something to collect, I click on the top building, and drag my mouse down over the other buildings that have something to collect.

Current situation:
__ The game collects the first building that I click on, but then moves the screen around as if I'm not collecting.

Reproduction Steps:
1. __ Go afk for a while - sorry have not checked if there's a minimum amount of time, but I'd guess try 30 minutes...? Leave the browser and game running on the fore ground.
2. __ Come back after your tea / lunch / poop / phone call / World of Warcraft dungeon, and jump with joy when you see you get to collect goods / supplies / gold / trained soldiers (works with all collectables).
3. __ Click on a building of your choice, and hold the mousebutton.
4. __ Drag the cursor over other buildings, to collect all the collectables.
5. __ Curse when you realise you've only collected the first building, and are now unnecessarily moving your city around on the screen. Feel like a dumbass, because this has happend a lot lately, and you're still falling for it. Sigh.

There have been multiple bugs reported that are very much like this. But they have all been marked fixed, and occured while playing, this one only occurs when this particular browser tab is not on top/active.
It's not a big thing, but if you (like me) walk around the house and come back to the pc irregularly to collect stuff, it gets pretty annoying.
I'm also continuously playing en1 and en2 at the same time parallel to zz1, and no problem there. So I figured it can't really be a browser or cookie thing, or it would've happend on those worlds too.
Edit:It might have something to do with a sleep mode of my pc (although the screen isn't off yet), but why doesn't it affect en1 and en2?


Unfortunately we weren't able to reproduce it so far, so I will move the thread for now.
It would maybe be helpful to know your settings for your sleep mode, for trying to reproduce it more specific.