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Duplicate Polished sign remains even at the end of the time

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When the time of cleaning the well of the floating island is over the sign of motivation does not disappear but I have to reload the game.

Game version: 0.14.13212-d58ab70-(master) (2015-04-13 16:43)
Game world: beta1
Browser + version: Firefox 37.0.1
Flash Player version:Flash 17.0 r0
Operating System: Windows 7
Screen resolution: 1440x900
Account name: Pfil
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 = happens always

Screenshots of the bug:



Thank you for reporting this to us, Pfil. Will look into the issue and get back to you.


When the time of cleaning the well of the floating island is over the sign of motivation does not disappear but I have to reload the game.

Game version: 0.14.13212-d58ab70-(master) (2015-04-13 16:43)
Game world: beta1
Browser + version: Firefox 37.0.1
Flash Player version:Flash 17.0 r0
Operating System: Windows 7
Screen resolution: 1440x900
Account name: Pfil
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 = happens always

Screenshots of the bug:


Same at my side. Re-log helps.

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Thanks both for your input on this issue :)
This issue was also reported here and has been forwarded to the development team for fixing. Please keep an eye on that thread for updates :)
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