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Please Repair the Sorceress


Well-Known Member
Guess the only person in elvenar for which he is usefull now is you then.

I want a unit that does what it is supposed to do, not a unit I can field just because I am stubborn and want to field it and it being "nearly" useless.
but now I proved I could potentially win with 2 of them fielded (you actually win because of the other 3 units but hey who cares)
The sorc ain't supposed to be a unit that "might be" usefull in a very sometimes circumstance but it useless in 99,9999% of all the other cases it's supposed to be good at.

I haven't seen you come up with a single good argument that holds for the sorceress in it's current pathetic state.


If I wanted to play a game with one class which is supposedly strong against other classes actually being very weak because that class is also the class that applies awesome debuffs, I would play dungeons and dragons, because at least then I could assign my skill points to make my debuff character into an ultimate glass cannon. Elvenar is not dungeons and dragons.