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Cannot reproduce Player without city


On the world map some of my neighbors seem to have only a players name but not a city ...


Game version: v1.1.5-(d49f90e) (2016-03-03 9:37)
Game world: Beta 1
Browser + version: Google Chrome 48.0.2564.116 m
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Account name: Extranjero
Humans or Elves: Human
Reproducibility: 2/5
Quest title: -
Current situation: bad one
Expected situation: better one
Reproduction Steps:
- register an account in Inno-Games
- play Elvenar for some months
- create preconditions for scenarios as described above
- watch and notice


Some cities vanish while you're moving around on the map. That's all. Its not the players, its the map that's been acting up lately.
Do they load if you keep the screen at the same spot? We've done some tests and have been unable to reproduce this so far.