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Not a Bug Plank Production Not Increasing after Knowledge tree advance


General Description (Overview):

What I expected to happen:

I have completed the knowledge tree section “Advanced Planks Manufactory” where the daily basic production was increased from 9 => 10 per day. When I go to start the production after this I would expect the daily basic production to be increased to 10 per day.

What actually happened:

When I went to the plank production the daily basic production was still 9.

How often has this happened:

This time.

Screenshots/Additional information:

2 screenshots attached.

Reproduction Steps:

1. Complete the Knowledge tree step “Advanced Plank Manufactory”.

2. Go to plank manufactory.

3. Start production.

Player Name: Jimmac

World: Beta Elvenar

Operating System: Windows XP

Browser and Version: Firefox 36.0

Flash Version

Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels 32 Bit


  • Knowledge Tree.JPG
    Knowledge Tree.JPG
    131.1 KB · Views: 204
  • Production.JPG
    109.5 KB · Views: 209


from what I could experience on this research, it only unlocks further upgrades for your planks manufactory, and these upgrades will result in increased planks production,


Thank you for the report, jimmac, and thanks for the response, Philplessis. You are correct, unlocking this research only gives you access to further upgrade your goods building. It does not automatically improve your production. Your production is improved either by upgrading the building or by acquiring new relics for that boost. :)


Thanks guys

Then perhaps the wording on the knowledge tree needs to be changed as it gives the impression that your basic daily production will rise from 9 => 10 after unlocking this item.

I have both a level 1 and a level 2 plank production and neither basic daily production value changed when I unlocked this knowledge. I also have 17 plank relics so I am at a loss as to what this knowledge tree item actually does.




The current wording is:
With this technology, you can expand your Planks Manufactories to produce Planks significantly faster.

So it does indicate that you get the ability to further expand your Planks Manufactories, though maybe it would be better if it said "upgrade" instead of "expand" in order to make it clearer? We can move this thread or create a new one in the Text-related Errors area if we can find a more precise description for those technologies. :)


sounds good to move it to the text related error.

