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Fixed [6338] People as cost for upgrading


Game version: __ 0.23.375-318b9bf-(master) (2015-08-18 12:16)
Game world: __ beta
Browser + version: __ google chrome version 44.0.2403.155 m
Flash Player version: __
Operating System: __Windows 10
Screen resolution: __ 1920 x 1080
Account name: __ Old Owl
Humans or Elves: __ Elves
Hardware Acceleration: ON

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: //

Current situation:
I tried to upgrade planks manufactory and the upgrade window asked me people as requirement (as usual) but it also asked me people as cost for upgrading.
I tried to upgrade other buildings and the windows always asked for some people as cost.
I tried even to disable HA but nothing changed.
As you can see in the screenshots the window allows me to upgrade even if I haven't got enough people to pay the costs but I have got enough coins/supplies/goods, otherwise it doesn't allows the upgrade

Expected situation:
I expected to be asked for coins, supplies and goods as cost for upgrading, and overall I expected the game doesn't allow me to upgrade if I haven't got enough people to pay the costs

Reproduction Steps
Logged in
2. Collected coins, supplies and goods
3. Opened the planks manufactory window
4. Selected the upgrade page
5. Tried the same with other buildings
6. Logged out
7. Logged in
8. Tried some more times
9. Disabled HA
10 Tried some more times


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I found out the same issue trying to play on another pc:

Game version: __ 0.23.375-318b9bf-(master) (2015-08-18 12:16)
Game world: __ beta
Browser + version: __ google chrome version 44.0.2403.155 m
Flash Player version: __
Operating System: __Lubuntu 15.04
Screen resolution: __ 1024 x 600
Account name: __ Old Owl
Humans or Elves: __ Elves
Hardware Acceleration: ON



I have the same issue : people requirements (that's OK) and people costs (!), for every buiding that can be upgraded in my city : factories, workshop.

Game version: __ 0.23.375-318b9bf-(master) (2015-08-18 12:16)
Game world: __ beta
Browser + version: __ google chrome version 44.0.2403.155 m
Flash Player version: __ 18,0,0,232
Operating System: __windows 8.1
Screen resolution: __ 1600 x 900
Account name: __ Corseforever
Humans or Elves: __ Elves
Hardware Acceleration: ON


same issue here, but the upgrade is still possible though the people costs appear in red ...o_O
Last edited by a moderator:
This is a very interesting bug... No idea why this happens. :D I tried it in my own city: it does not subtract population twice. But it is of course very confusing, and it does not show the correct good that it does subtract either. Either way, it has been forwarded!


I checked on the wiki page : the population "cost" is the amount of population that the building will employ to operate at next level once the upgrade is completed (I am not sure 'bout this sentence being really clear)


Well-Known Member
Me too. I got a massive shock when I went to upgrade a workshop just now. But I was still able to do it so at least the glitch does not affect the upgrade. How odd that it should suddenly appear this afternoon. I have been steadily upgrading my workshops this last few days and never saw this before.


There seem to be another bug on the loose!
Had the People cost twice in an Upgrade window!
Think it was Gems but not sure? The second one
was down below where the cost of supplies needed
are displayed....


Just to be sure, I checked on the wiki and the costs of the upgrades are the same, people that is asked for is just something more due to the bugs so, if allowed, I should be able to upgrade without taking advantage by the bug and so I should not break the rule N°6.
Am I right?


For as much as I understand, the original costs are still taken from you once you start the upgrade. So bugusing is not possible in this situation cuz its only a display error.


For as much as I understand, the original costs are still taken from you once you start the upgrade. So bugusing is not possible in this situation cuz its only a display error.

I agree with you but I prefer to wait for some team-member's opinion ;)