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Not a Bug Obsolete Quests Appearing


I've received two obsolete storyline quests in a row for units that I researched ages ago.

Game version: v1.15.3-(e05e87d) (2016-09-19 9:15)
Game world: beta
Browser + version: Firefox 48.0.2
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 7
Screen resolution: 1366x768
Account name: Mink
Humans or Elves: elf

Reproducibility: Hard to say.

Current situation: I'm near the end of the orc chapter. I dismissed a repeating quest and got two antique storyline quests in a row. They fulfilled themselves immediately and after dismissing the second one I got a current quest, to research orc AWs.

Expected situation: We should not get antique storyline quests that we completed long ago.

Reproduction Steps
: Hard to say, but try dismissing an optional quest when you're near the end of the orc chapter, and see where that gets you.

golem research.jpg
sorceress research.jpg
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had that too.

apparently, they did not move the quests, they deleted them and placed new quests for researching golems and sourceresses. and the quest-system wants to complete the earlier quests before moving on to the later quests. thus you got those quests now.

not really a bug, it's more like how that system deals with quests that are inserted in earlier chapters. not a big deal, as long as they just give some supplies and coins.