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Duplicate Now just where did I put those KP?

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Something that would be very helpful is a menu option to view the wonders that you have invested KP into. Another option in addition to the overview, build and runes options. At times I have put KP in a wonder, and can't recall exactly where. I am sure that once or twice, I have put in KP, and forgot about it completely.


I mostly only help one wonder at a time, but a list like that would still be nice.


Well-Known Member
I often receive notifications saying that I've helped someone's Ancient Wonders reach another level and get the rewards in KP's or shards. The problem is...it never tells me who I've helped.
I donate KP's to as many people as I can to ensure that those that have helped me get help in return...but I also like to help new Wonders get built...so it would be nice to know who got the benefit from my assistance.
Can we please include the name of the recipient in future?
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