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Not a Bug No Platinum in pulldown list when making an offer


When making an offer there is no Platinum to choice from.

Maybe this is because I have no Platinum but I can't remember this happing before with the "old" goods.


Game version: v1.47-(7877a77dd) (2018-01-30 21:36)
Game world: zz1
Browser + version: Firefox 58.0.1 64-bit
Flash Player version:
Operating System: W7 x64 Enterprise
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Account name: Lord Soth

Humans or Elves: Elves


Well-Known Member
This should indeed be because you currenly have no platinum. Could you please confirm that it's back once you have some platinum in store?


Someone accepted a trace and yes, now I have Platinum. :)

Just can't remember having seen any release notes about this or even happening something similar with the old goods. Would be the first time that I've seen something "smart" in the user interface. o_O But in this case I find it rather confusing than "smart". :eek:


Well-Known Member
Well, to be honest I don't know when and if that changed at any time. I never really paid attention to it when I just started playing myself some years ago, I guess. It could have been part of the major Trader overhaul we had last year, or maybe it was always like that but we never paid attention to it? Anyway, I'm glad it's cleared up now!

Loki Blue

Well-Known Member
It's been that way at least since before I started playing in April of last year. In one of my Live cities a few minutes ago, I placed a trade offering all of my crystal. Appropriately, the drop-down does not display crystal, since I now have none to offer, you see?

If you visited my home, I would not offer you coffee if I had none in my pantry. Which, of course would never happen (being out of coffee, I mean), but you get my drift...:p