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New version 0.24


I believe that this update has not been thought through properly. The quests are very restricting and retrogressive in the overall game advancement. Quests are skipped because they cause one to have to go back to long past aspects of the game like, having to build workshops to level 6, when you are long past the stage of putting in the amount of workshops you need.
Players don't want to move backward in the game, period.
The question is, when are you actually going to add to the Tech Tree? Possibly even Expand the land available for building.
Many have already reached the end of their game with nowhere to go, and you come in with restrictions rather than expansions.

Are you actually serious about this game or just messing about? It is now obvious that you need a new dev team altogether with a bit more imagination.
Seriously people this update 0.24 is a massive step backward and is going to see many players leaving the game.

To be honest, I for one am completely stumped.
Hi MasterVasch,

While we appreciate your feedback on this subject a lot, we do want to ask you to share it in the discussion thread, so that we can keep the discussion about this subject in one place. :)

Thanks for your cooperation!