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Fixed New artefact are not in the spire


Well-Known Member
Game version: 1.168
Game world: Béta
Browser/IOS/Android + version:
Operating System or Mobile Device: Windows 11
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Account name:
Humans or Elves: Elves

Current: the new artefact are not here

Expected situation: New artefact in the spire

Screenshots of the bug:

Capture d’écran 2023-01-23 083847.png

Capture d’écran 2023-01-23 083306.png

Egwene al Vere

Well-Known Member
In spire I got both the witch summoning circle artifact as a possible encounter rewards as well as the cold fire artifact as a possibly mystery reward. This cant be right.
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Well-Known Member
The artifact was changed DURING the spire. (Monday at 13H00) Sunday it was the old and Monday the new.


Well-Known Member
Still need 3 Coldfire Phoenix artefacts, while stocked with 6 Red Panda artefacts...
I would rather have a swap the other way.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
Still need 3 Coldfire Phoenix artefacts, while stocked with 6 Red Panda artefacts...
I would rather have a swap the other way.

Back after the Coldfire artifact was in the Spire, it was supposed to go into the crafting rotation, but I have still not seen a single one in any of my cities, and it has been many months now. It makes me think they had yet another error and never added it into crafting. @Karvest are you able to look at crafting selections in the code?


Well-Known Member
Don't they disable old recipes when next version of spire rolled out anyway?
Like you can get current artifacts from spire and previous via crafting in MA, but not the ones that was in spire earlier?
With the only exception of old phoenix recipes which are there all the time.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
All I know is we were told that every artifact goes in the Spire for 6 six weeks and then 6 six weeks after it leaves the Spire, it goes into the crafting rotation. That is how each announcement is worded. I have seen several different ones, including original Phoenix and Ashen, but never the Coldfire.