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Quests neighbourly help


One quest at the beginning especially to let people know they can do it and how. It took me a little while to figure out how to help my neighbours


Didn't they already have a quest? I will support it anyway because one of my siblings isn't a genius with Elvenar.


No, isn't the money quest enough? I can get 30k supplies per day by doing the repeatable quest.


Drialik....I do neighbourly help more for the supplies than for the money...You get the money eventhough you dont get neibourly help from players, but when they help you, and you help bak within 23hrs, you get supplies too.


I know that too. It is just ridiculous to do quests for something that is as common as emptying our residences. Plus I already know which players are active and will help me, the other have been offline for three months. So no, one quest fine but repeatable makes it too easy. + if they don't know how to exploit repeatable quests than they will have a disadvantage.


This is a year old it seems, but do think it really is worth considering.
In my innocent Elvenar youth (in 2015) I actually thought that giving neighbourly help would mean that I'm giving away my money :oops:. Only afterwards when I investigated further I realised that I had unintentionally made my life a bit harder. I know that when you join a fellowship you are told to do it and why, but not every player is planning to join a fellowship from the start.
A reoccuring quest having the questie explain what neighbourly help really is might do the trick.