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Answered neighbors


If all, or most, of my neighbors become inactive, how am I supposed to gather goods? Currently just a few of my neighbors trade - I don't have more than 3 pages of trade and most of the offers are either extremely unfair (for example they give 50 tier 1 goods for 50 tier 2 goods) or they demand goods I'm also in need of. I don't know if the rest is inactive or just don't know/want to trade.

My question is: will it be possible to change neighborhood? In FoE your neighborhood changes quite often, but here neighbors are on a map you explore. If not then what about people that have inactive neighbors?


At this point the only thing you can do is keep scouting new provinces and neighbors so your range will become bigger.. And hope that your neighbors will brighten up a little and make the trades worth while o_O


You can also try to mail them. Sometimes they don't know about boosted goods and the profitability of trading.
You can see what type of boosts they got by looking on the map. If they don't focus on this goods just tell them how to be more efficent if they cooperate with you. In my area has always been a big lack of steel. So I looked for all steel boosted cities and mailed the owner to become a tradingpartner of mine.