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Cannot reproduce Missing Relic - unable to complete a Province



On the Wold Map, one of my provinces (crystal relics) keeps showing 7/8 relics found, but I can't find the missing one...Clicked everywhere in the mist, but it didn't help ;-( Could you help me please ?


Does it look like you already finished all of the encounters, or is one of the encounters actually missing? Could you perhaps take a screenshot and show us the province?


Thank you for reporting this to us, xxxanadu. Lord Jirre's correct that taking a screenshot could help us locate any potential issue faster. If you're unsure of how to do that, you can find instructions at this link, after which you can upload the file to a post of yours.

Additionally, maybe try scrolling left and right, using click and drag or browser scrollbars at the sides --- depending on your device's resolution and the size of your browser you may not be seeing the fully province and thus you're missing out on a relic.


As there hasn't been any further information or updates, I'll set this to cannot reproduce. If something new comes up please do let us know. Thanks!