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Cannot reproduce message error incorrect


Upon attempting to send a message to a player, which consisted
of one sentence and no links, was given error message that
a message cannot contain links. Unable to send message
notification .


Hello MustangK, thank you for the report. I have tried to reproduce your issue with no success. Is it possible your message contains portions of a url ("http://" or ".com" for example)? The system may see those and believe you're attempting to send a link even if you're not doing so.


There was a ? mark in the message. What I actually typed in the message was:
Human cities have prisons?
to another player in a human city, as an inquiry to what they were for, you see.
Now that we have mouse over in other player cities, I can see it is a culture
building. At the time, it was a mystery, lol. But I got the no links notification
upon trying to send that message. Thank you.


Thanks for the info, MustangK. At this time we're unable to recreate the issue despite extensive attempts. It seems like it may have been a one-time glitch. But if it keeps happening to you or it happens to anyone else, please let us know. Thank you, again!