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Duplicate Magic Academy overwrites 1st spell production

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Game version: __ v1.2.4-(ec62c05) (2016-03-17 15:43)
Game world: __ zz1
Browser + version: __ Firefox for Mac v45.0
Flash Player version: __
Operating System: __ OS X Yosemite 10.10.5
Screen resolution: __ 1920 x 1200
Account name: __ NormaJeane
Humans or Elves: __ Elves

Reproducibility: __ 5/5 = happens always

Quest title: __ n.a.

Current situation:
__ When having an upgraded Magic Academy and one collects a spell, then starts another spell production this will overwrite the current spell production.

Expected situation:
__ The existing spell production should remain in production and a new spell production should be added to a vacant slot.
Reproduction Steps
1. __ Have an upgraded Magic Academy;
2. __ Collect a spell;
3. __ Start the production of a new spell, while one spell is still in production.
4. __ The new production will overwrite the current spell production.
5. __

Note: this is probably related to the current overwrite issue with the barracks.


I didn't noticed this with the academy yet, but I had it once with the barracks.
I had one free slot and wanted to fill it with sorceress, but instead adding them at the end the first slot in the queue, where dancers were trained, got overwritten with sorceress and the 5th slot was still free


Well-Known Member
This is indeed a duplicate of this bug. We will add the information to our report, so thank you for that. Let's continue in the other thread. :)
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