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Cannot reproduce Magic academy affecting quest


Game version: __ v1.9.7-(6b61a99) (2016-06-28 11:13)
Game world: __Beta
Browser + version: __38.0.2220.31
Flash Player version: __22,0,0,192
Operating System: __Windows 7
Screen resolution: __1880x1650
Account name: __Wolphy
Humans or Elves: __Elves
Current situation:
Producing a spell in Magic Academy gives progress in More Relics (gain 4 relics) quest.
Expected situation:
Progress in the quest is unaffected by magic academy.

Reproduction Steps
1. __ Accept the quest
2. __Collect spell production from magic academy
3. __Check quest window


I cannot reproduce this issue anymore. Do you still experience issues here?