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lie to the people


  • Dwarven Settlement Buildings have had their costs adjusted slightly for balancing reasons (5-10% change)
  • copper old cost 234 k coins
  • copper new cost 124 k coins
  • In holland we can count and can see that from 234 to 124 is no way near to 5/10 % in the engilsh counting maybe we guys from holland are dumb .
  • But for sure we can count


We don't lie to people. We will ask if this difference is intended, because it obviously is a bit more than 10%. We will get back with an answer as soon as we know the permanent difference.

Edit: The difference is intended to be like this. Since this is indeed a lot more than 10% in the player's advantage, i doubt it many will complain about it. All dwarven settlements have become cheaper to create a better balance.
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lol thank you haha
lets wait what the devolpers come up for this strange way of counting


It has just missed our eyes when constructing our release notes. It is now added. Thanks for pointing it out.