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Not a Bug Knowledge Point Error


General Description (Overview):

What I expected to happen:

When I have a full Knowledge point counter and I fight and win an encounter I expect to get an error message or the accept button to be disabled until I spend some knowledge points.

What actually happened:

When I click to accept the knowledge point and the relic, it acknowledges the click but does not give an error message nor does it increment the counter so that knowledge point is lost.

How often has this happened:


Screenshots/Additional information:

4 screenshots attached.

Reproduction Steps:

1. Have a full (10) knowledge point counter.
2. Fight and win an encounter.
3. Accept the knowledge point and relic.

Player Name: Jimmac
World: Beta Elvenar
Operating System: Windows XP
Browser and Version: Firefox 36.0.4
Flash Version
Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels 32 Bit

Knowledge 1.JPG

Knowledge 2.JPG

Knowledge 3.JPG

Knowledge 4.JPG


Thank you for reporting this to us jimmac. It is indeed a tricky situation, but I believe this is more part of the game design that needs improvement than a bug. You can't return to the encounter to collect the knowledge point at a later time so if you got an error you'd be stuck with no way to go around that. It seems either a warning before entering the encounter would be a good suggestion or maybe a way to collect the encounter reward at a later time. I will double check this with the higher ups just in case.


A suggestion : Maybe it accepts and gives the first Knowledge Point after the maximum 10 making it to reach 11 but at the same time warns the player that no more KPs can be accepted till some are used ...


Confirmed that it isn't a bug, simply not yet released content. We'll just have to wait to see a feature related to this added with one of the game update. :)