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Answered Is this possible?


I found this image on wiki. Is it possible to achieve something like that? I know that you can increase your production by gaining more relics. But can you decrease production time?

Also another question, because I don't want to make a new thread:

Does everyone have the same goods production boost? I noticed that people farther from me make 1:1 trade offers or even more favorable to me, but I haven't discovered them yet so I get the trader fee.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you can reduce the production times, just the amount that is produced in the allocated time.

As for your second question: Each Tier (1, 2 and 3 so far) has 3 goods. Each player receives a bonus for 1 of those 3 goods per tier. So not all players will have the same production bonuses, that's why trading is such an important part of the game :)