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InnoGames TV - April Episode


Dear Humans and Elves,

In the April episode of InnoGames TV, Timon and Oliver introduce to you a key aspect of the game: The Trader. Meanwhile, Forge of Empires Lead Mobile Developer Tobias unveils the Forge of Empire’s Android app. Plus we give you the chance to win a brand new Samsung Galaxy Tab 4. All you have to do is find when the Forge King appears in this episode (here’s a hint: it’s not in the Forge part). Once you find him, send the timestamp to TV@Innogames.com. If you want additional entries then share the YouTube video publicly on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ with the hashtag #InnoGamesTV. In addition, Tribal Wars 2 Game Designer Thomas shows you how to get a second village faster. Last but not least Grepolis and the West keep it festive by sharing their respective Easter events.

Check out the April episode and give us your feedback! We’d love to hear from you in the discussion thread!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team
