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Independent game needs balancing


I play in 10 cities. Nine of them a fellowships, one is independently in a language I don’t know so I would keep it independent.

When I decided to go this route I was aware that I would not have the tournament, Fellowship Adventures or the Spire benefits for being in a fellowship. It is nice to not to feel the need to be competive in one of my worlds, However, I feel the events have been unbalanced for this environment, but clearly something I should be allowed to fully participate. They are not. The requirements for encounters and relics in this playing environment have resulted in a faster growth in provinces, ensuring penalties. I am currently completing the last technology in Orcs with enough provinces completed for all of Wood elves with four left over.

Yes, It is easy to make a fellowship of one. But that is not really a good solution as progress in the tournament is very limited when playing alone With goals that are unrealistic. Also, the incentive as an individual to go beyond the Gateway in the Spire is greatly minimized in solo environment as the rewards vs what is surrendered is not balanced no crafting bonuses are given for your extra effort.

it seems to me that you need to develop a separate task thread for those playing independently. An independent version of Fellowship Adventures should also be considered. I played it in the past as a solo fellowship and managed to pull the flag in the first two stages. It is a great individual challenge.

PixieBimbo/SoloPixie (Italy)


Well-Known Member
Elvenar is a "social" game, and devs are highly encouraging this aspect (last in order of time, Fellowship Progression). You can play solo but this is not the purpose of this game, so it's hardly improbable (if not impossible) that you requests will be received.


Admittedly it is a game designed and best played in the social environment of a fellowship. Like you, I have played for several years and I Archmage in three of my worlds, one of them in beta. Because it is social does mean that the observation is not likely to have high traction. But, if left unsaid as a perceived issue knowing I’m in a small niche of the players that do play solo may leave those that play without a fellowship without a voice and the problem not being considered at all. I appreciate your reply. I’m sure the volume of active individual players is a reasonable population.


Perhaps two new instant types would solve the balance problem and be helpful to everyone.

1) An instant that represents x number of Encounters that can be used instead of completing map or tournament encounters.
2) An instant that provides x number of y relics. Again to used as a substitute to for gaining them from the tournament or the map.
