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Not a Bug imbalance of elves residency upgrade from fairy to orc


Game version: __ v1.10.4-(fc757fa) (2016-07-06 8:00)
Game world: __ Beta 1
Browser + version: __ Firefox 47.0
Flash Player version: __
Operating System: __ Win 7 64 bit
Screen resolution: __ 2x 1920x1080
Account name: __ Juni
Humans or Elves: __ Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __ no quest

Current situation:
__ Lvl 19 residency: 550 inhabitants on 2x4 = 8 squares, 68,75 residents per square
__ Lvl 20 residency: 750 inhabitants on 4x3 = 12 squares, 62,5 residents per square

Expected situation:
__more residents per square when upgrading the residency. currently, it's a loss. (yes, you still get more coins... but who needs an excess of coins?)

Reproduction Steps
__ look at the numbers.
2. __
3. __
4. __
5. __
Thanks for your report. We have checked this with our game designers, and this is intended. With level 20 you indeed go back a little bit on the citizens/square value, but you will still get more in absolute numbers. At level 21, the citizens/square value is already higher than it was at level 19 again, and this level is available within the Orcs and Goblins chapter too. :)