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i don't get it.


i don't get it, why would i want to replace my wonderful city of elves with the dwarves city? I mean his is all interesting and probably quite good. But i was quite happy to be an elf. so, what happens now? Ok, say i can combine, some houses are dwarves other, elves. But what about the Main Hall and barracks? you can only build hem ones, so once you up-date to dwarves, there is no turning back. sorry i just don't understand the concept. mb somebody can explain? or is it just a test to see how it works, and in the main game they are going to create just dwarves race to be chosen from the start of the game?


Well-Known Member
I have to say, like mistique, I'm a bit puzzled too.
I'm fine with the combination of dwarf houses and workshops...but don't understand changing the Main Hall and Barracks at all???
Surely those buildings that can only be built once and have been upgraded to level 15 should remain elvish or human...depending on your choice...but shouldn't be taken over by guest races.


Maybe it is Inno trying to make us sublimal vulnerable to political propaganda against refugees and immigrants changing our culture...:eek:

Ok enough conspiracy theory.^^
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Your main hall and barracks will remain their elvish look


I would love dwarvish look, but than I have always been for dwarves. Can I change my normal streets into dwarven streets?


I would love dwarvish look, but than I have always been for dwarves. Can I change my normal streets into dwarven streets?

Yes. You can check the Dwarves streets in the builders menu.


Goryn, it doesn't look very elvish to me on the pic. of upgrade, when you click on up-grade. Will humans have the same look, or they have something different, or we all be the same now? shame though, barracks are one of the prettiest buildings, wouldn't want to change it completely into a different style.


The human barracks and main hall will look different.

I think the Elvish barracks look Elvish. Sure, it has a little twist of Dwarf in it, but it still has lots of greenery and off course, the Elvish guard with crossed hands and swords.


thanks for your reply Goryn. Just still can't get my head round the concept :). Is it going to be like this in the main game? or is it just a test here?


thanks for your reply Goryn. Just still can't get my head round the concept :). Is it going to be like this in the main game? or is it just a test here?

It's going to be like this on all the live servers as well :)


so why making it through an up-grade to another race? wouldn't it make more sense to create another type of a residential building/workshop etc. on a building menu, rather then up-grade of elves to basically another race or mixing elves with another race or whatever they did lol, you know what i mean. this way we could of had a variety city with 2 races, rather than up-grading, and basically changing towards dwarves. I don't see how up-grade towards dwarves should make it more superior. it's a bit racist! (LOL!! :) )


Hybrids, hurray for the hybrids! Is racists not to welcome dwarves. Secondly if you are so annoyed draw ideas of how you think the next levels shoudl look and send them to Inno.


i've already explained how i think it should ' ve been Drialik, I 've got better things to do than writing to Inno. We are just having a discussion here, not trying to change the world. Just wanted to know what other people thought.