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Humans or Elves? Multicultural cities


That is something that had been bothering me for quite awhile, and this winter event is guilty too. Like many player, I enjoy building a nice city that is fun to look at, and generally speaking, I am satisfied. But more and more, there is a trend in the game where any differences that there used to be between being Elf or Human is dissapearing slowly. As soon as you hit guest races, cultural buildings become the same. More and more units type are becoming shared, so the more you advance in the game, the more a human city or an elf city look the same.

But what has been annoying me the most is "multi-cultural" building. When they began the wonders, the designers went the extra mile to have different wonders for humans and elves. Then, they rushed wonders out of the gate, and we got wonders that are the exact same for elves and humans, and the character animated in thoses wonders belong to both races. Same for event buildings. Right now, there is elves skating happily on the frozen lakes in my city.

Now I am not super angry at the dev, just dissapointed that they don't go the extra mile anymore so that an elves city is still an elves city, and humans get their own identity.


This came to my mind a long time ago. But rather than dissapointed, I was glad. It may sound weird but hear me out.

There are games out there, where you can choose from different races and every race has different resources to gather, every race has different technologies, combat style, build style... But this is not Elvenar style. Elves and humans have everything the same. Ok, humans may have red roofs where elves have green ones, but that is just an eye candy. If there are no differences in game mechanics, there is no reason to make different buildings, because it would just take developers' and designers' time.

I agree that it would be much more interesting to have 2 or more different worlds, but it would be terribly difficult to balance it. If the game is headed this way, it is better for us to have less buildings while developers can focus on going forward. I think.