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Cannot reproduce [HTML5] Cannot load manual fight map in tournament.


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.57-(126518f6f)-(master) (2018-06-19 9:12)
HTML5 Yes/No: Yes
Game world: Beta1
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Chrome
Flash Player version:
Operating System:
Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1920*1200
Account name: Karvest
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: (if applicable)

Current situation:
When I try to manual fight in tournament game freeze while loading fight map, then it states that WebGL API is locked and ask to reload.

Expected situation:

Manual fight is working

Reproduction Steps:
1. Try to open manual fight in tourney


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
it works for me aswell, altho the loading takes a bit of time which gives you the feeling its stuck, which it isnt :)


Well-Known Member
just tried to fight in normal province, still failed to load.
it start loading, progressbar freeze near 10%, after half a minute grayed-out image disappear, and question popup appear at the top of the window, telling that WebGL API is locked and suggesting either to ignore it or reload. Pressing ignore just hide this message, but nothing get loaded.
in dev tools console there is
[2018-06-20 01:36:54] ERROR: de.innogames.onyx.battle.BattleView - Battle rendering error: Error compiling vertex shader:
a.(anonymous function) @ merged-haxe-deps-b36a26808ccc4a358320ad8d8e4fa5c7.js:4927
01:36:54.811 merged-haxe-deps-b36a26808ccc4a358320ad8d8e4fa5c7.js:4927 [2018-06-20 01:36:54] ERROR: de.innogames.shared.networking.providers.JsConnectionProvider - Whoops! Lost connection to wss://zz1.elvenar.com/ws/stomp
a.(anonymous function) @ merged-haxe-deps-b36a26808ccc4a358320ad8d8e4fa5c7.js:4927
01:36:54.811 merged_game-ee7df88c03d898234566f34e1d6fb467.js:740 WebSocket is already in CLOSING or CLOSED state.
i._transmit @ merged_game-ee7df88c03d898234566f34e1d6fb467.js:740
01:36:54.825 index:1 WebGL: CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL: loseContext: context lost
01:36:54.825 index:1 WebGL: CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL: loseContext: context lost
01:36:54.855 merged-haxe-deps-b36a26808ccc4a358320ad8d8e4fa5c7.js:4927 CompositeCommand.hx:236: Asynchronous command [object SleepCommand] returned result. Executing next command.
01:36:54.855 merged-haxe-deps-b36a26808ccc4a358320ad8d8e4fa5c7.js:4927 CompositeCommand.hx:185: All commands in [object CompositeCommand] have been executed. Dispatching "complete" event.
01:36:55.893 merged-haxe-deps-b36a26808ccc4a358320ad8d8e4fa5c7.js:4927 PERFORMANCE INFO: Loading Finished 44 s Battle
01:37:24.731 onyx-sentry.innogames.de/api/14/store/?sentry_version=7&sentry_client=raven-js%2F3.25.2&sentry_key=16f96837575e44ee92125695482fe75b:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT


Well-Known Member
Same. Probably it wasn't using hardware acceleration even when it was enabled (playing via RDP to home PC).


Well-Known Member
So far noone seems to be able to reproduce this, so I'll archive it now. If anyone else experiences these problems, please let us know :)